Vanilla Lotion Bar with Avocado Oil

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  • Total Time: 45 mins
  • Hands-on Time: 20 mins
  • Makes: 1 cup

A homemade, nourishing lotion bar, featuring a rich combination of lavender, vanilla and avocado oils.


    1. In a double boiler, heat the beeswax and cocoa butter, stirring until completely melted.

    2. Add coconut oil and avocado oil and stir until well blended.

    3. Remove from heat, add essential oils and stir until well blended.

    4. Into two muffin tins lined with paper baking cups (optional), pour mixture. Divide between 4 to 6 cups depending on size of lotion bars desired.

    5. To use, rub bar on skin.

    Place tin in refregerator for several minutes to faccilitate set up and removal from tin.Alternatively, pour mixture into decorative shaped molds.

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